The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee looks into legality of buying YUKOS shares

The Main Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case against former main shareholders and top managers of OAO NK YUKOS over stealing by them oil from YUKOS subsidiary oil companies and selling it and money laundering (paragraph “a” and “b” of part 3 of article 160, part 3 of article 174.1 of the RF Penal Code).

In connection with international litigation initiated on behalf of foreign companies Hulley Enterprises Limited, Yukos Universal Limited and Veteran Petroleum Limited aimed at the forced recovery from the Russian Federation funds amounting to more than 50 billion US dollars, the investigators are checking the information submitted by plaintiffs to international and foreign courts of justice to see if the shares of OAO NK YUKOS were acquired and then disposed of lawfully.

Today, 22 December 2015, in order to check the information on money laundering, the Investigative Committee in cooperation with divisions of the Interior Ministry is searching residences and offices of businessmen and other people financied from abroad from accounts of organizations that used be to or possibly even now are controlled by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Leonid Nevzlin and other members of their group.

22 December 2015 14:45

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