The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Ex-minister of labor and social development of Rostov Region and her deputy found guilty of abuse of office

A court has recognized the evidence collected by the Rostov Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict former minister of labor and social development of Rostov Region Yelena Skidan and her deputy Mikhail Medvedev. They were found guilty of crimes under part 3 of article 285 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of office).

The court and investigators revealed that in 2012, Skidan and Medvedev abused their powers when they bought two buildings to house a boarding house for elderly and disabled people in the town of Shakhty and a psychoneurological clinic in the town of Belaya Kalitva. Aware that the buildings did not meet technical or sanitary requirements of the current law, were in need of reconstruction and capital repair, they did not take measures to carry out necessary construction and repair works by the owner of the buildings before it was sold. As a result, the buildings were bought under state contracts at overstated price.

The actions of the officials considerably violated rights and legal interests of socially defenseless citizens and caused pecuniary damage of over 85 million rubles to the Rostov Region budget resulted from unreasonable overstating of the price of the property.

The court has sentenced Skidan to 3.5 years of probation and banned her from taking any positions in state authorities or local government for 2.5 years; Medvedev was sentenced to 2 years and 3 months of probation and banned from taking any positions in state authorities or local government for 1.5 years

30 January 2016 12:32

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