The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Tomsk Region, probe launched against juvenile inspector suspected of negligence

The Tomsk Region authorities of the Investigative Committee have opened a criminal investigation against a juvenile inspector of police station No 3 of Tomsk City Department of the Russian Ministry of the Interior, suspected of a crime under Part 1 of Article 293 of the RF Penal Code (negligence).

According to the investigation, on 8 December 2015, the police station No 3 got a report that a woman living in Sovetsky District of Tomsk neglected her small child and that the boy had a bruise. After the inspection, the suspect refused to open a criminal investigation in crimes under Part 1 of Article 116 and Article 156 of the RF Penal Code, as there were no components of crime in the mother’s actions. However, she had not conducted full inspection necessary to establish all details of the incident. As a result of her negligence the child’s constitutional right on state protection against criminal encroachments, which later resulted in the fact that the child’s mother continued beating her son.

At present, the investigators are carrying out a preliminary investigation.

  In the evening of 7 February, 2016, a 28-year-old resident of Tomsk beat her 7-year-old son. The boy died of injuries. The Tomsk authorities of the Investigative Committee have opened an investigation in the murder (Part 2, item “c” of Article 105 of the RF Penal Code). The woman confessed to the crime while being detained. Charges have been pressed against her by now. Following the request of investigators a court has ruled to remand the woman in custody, pending the trial.

Both investigations are ongoing.

16 February 2016 14:34

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