The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Murmansk Region, head safety and labor protection department of avalanche control office of AO Apatit put under house arrest during investigation into death of people after avalanche in Kirovsk

The Murmansk Region authorities of the Investigative Committee continue investigating a criminal case over the death of people after an avalanche in the town of Kirovsk, a crime under Part 3 of Article 216 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety rules during mining, construction or other works, that have entailed death of two or more people by negligence). The head of the avalanche control office of the Industrial safety and labor protection department of AO Apatit has been charged with the said crime.

As became known earlier, on 18 February 2016, about 10 p.m., the avalanche control office of AO Apatit triggered an avalanche into an avalanche-protection structure (a dike) near Yukspor Mountain in the town of Kirovsk, which killed three men. Medical aid had to be provided to a woman. Windows and windowpanes of houses in Komsomolskaya Street in Kukisvumchorr micro-district were damaged.

A court has ruled to place the accused under house arrest. Necessary investigative operations are underway to find out all the details of the incident. The investigation is ongoing. 

22 February 2016 12:12

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