The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow, another member of Gagiyev’s gang to stand trial

The North Caucasus Federal District Directorate of the Investigative Committee has finished an investigation against member of a criminal community led by Aslan Gagiyev, Yevgeny Yashkina. He is charged with crimes under Part 2 of Article 210 of the RF Penal Code (Participation in a criminal community), Part 2 of Article 209 (Banditry), Part 3 of Article 30, Part 2, items “a”, “f”, “g” and “h” of Article 105 (Attempted murder), Part 2, items “a”, “f”, “g” and “h” of Article 105 (Murder), Part 3, item “a” of Article 126 (Abduction), Part 3 of Article 222 (Illegal circulation of firearms).

According to investigators, in 2004, Yevgeny Yashkin joined the criminal community set up by Aslan Gagiyev in the city of Moscow and in North Ossetia-Alania. He participated in armed attacks committed by the members of the criminal community, including members of gangs which were divisions of the community. With his active participation the criminal community committed 25 murders and a number of abductions in the city of Moscow and Moscow Region.

In addition, Yashkin took part in illegal circulation of firearms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices.

According to a psychiatric evaluation, after the crimes Yashkin developed a mental disorder which makes it impossible to punish him.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the approved indictment for compulsory medical treatment has been sent to the Moscow City Court.

It has been reported earlier that the criminal organization set up and led by Aslan Gagiyev started operation in 2004 and had over 50 members. As a result of over 49 crimes committed by the gang in Moscow, Moscow Region and North Ossetia-Alania, they killed 60 people, including law-enforcement officers, officials of the republican and city levels, businessmen and other people. By now, 16 members of the criminal organization have been sentenced to long terms in prison and the leader of one of the gangs Oleg Gagiyev to a life in prison. 17 people are in custody, 8 people are wanted, 3 members of the criminal organization, including its leader Aslan Gagiyev and his right hand Artur Dzhioyev have been detained abroad and are expecting extradition to the Russian Federation.

The North Caucasus Federal District Directorate continues necessary investigative operations to find out all the details of the crimes and to bring the guilty ones to justice. 

03 March 2016 12:10

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