The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Former CEO of ZAO Aerodromy Mosty Dorogi charged with non-payment of wages to over 300 workers

The Murmansk Region authorities of the Investigative Committee have charged former CEO of ZAO Aerodromy Mosty Dorogi Oleg Kolesnik who is at the moment the deputy CEO at the same company, with a crime under part 3 of Article 145.1 of the RF Penal Code (complete non-payment of wages for over two months committed out of mercenary or other personal motives).

According to preliminary data, the sum of non-paid wages stands at more than 30 million rubles.

At the present time, following a request of investigators a court has ruled to put Kolesnik under house arrest pending trial. Necessary investigative operations are underway including those aimed at making the employer meet their obligations to observe the right of workers on payment for their labor guaranteed by Article 37 of the Russian Constitution. The investigation is ongoing.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                                   V.I. Markin

05 March 2016 16:28

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