The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The annual creative contest of the works aimed at formation of the objective public opinion about the Investigative Committee activity announced

Investigative Committee of Russia Chairman Alexander Bastrykin signed an order on holding annual contest of works of media representatives in formation of objective public opinion about the activity of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

The contest has been set up for the purpose of development of interaction with mass media representatives and creative unions which conduct active work using possibilities of the press, television, radio, Internet, as well as literatures and arts on forming society opinion of measures taken by the Investigative committee in sphere of struggle against crime and criminal proceedings. The contest commission will assess professionalism of works that are presented, as well as its potential in terms of patriotic education and formation of an active civil position, inter alia, on issues of promotion investigating bodies of the Russian Investigative Committee in disclosure of crimes.

In the framework of the event selection of the materials of federal mass media, which reflects Committee work most fully and objectively, creates an individual or generalized image of an investigator, pays attention of society to resolution of problems of struggle against crime and successful investigation of concrete crimes, will be made.

The investigative committee invites all authors to take part in the contest and submit respective requests in the following nominations:

the best work creating (disclosuring) a generalized (an individual) image of an investigator (employee);

the best work covering the activity of the Investigative committee in sphere of protection of rights of minors objectively;

the best work covering the activity of the Investigative committee in sphere of corruption;

a unique approach to cover the activity of the Investigative committee in mass media.

Selection of materials from different types of mass media is being made in the following nominations:

the best documentary about the activity of the investigating bodies of the Investigative committee;

the best drama about the activity of the investigating bodies of the Investigative committee;

the best documentary series about the activity of the investigating bodies of the Investigative committee;

the best drama series about the activity of the investigating bodies of the Investigative committee;

the best work on creating image of an investigator (employee) of the Investigative committee in a drama or series.

The best contest works of different mass media types and nominations will be selected from all the materials. Contest results will be summed up by the Day of employees of investigating bodies (July 25) by a solemn event with presentation of awards to the winners and laureates of the contest.

All the detailed information, as well as the rules and contest terms are published on the official website of Russian Investigative Committee:

 Head of Media Relations V.I. Markin

16 February 2016 10:00

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