The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Initiated by the investigating bodies of Russian Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk region the criminal case on grave bodily harm infliction to a minor girl through negligence is transferred to the bodies of the Investigative Committee for further investigation

Considering great significance of protection of minors rights, necessity of thorough finding out of all the circumstances occurred, comprehensive finding out of all causes and conditions which were contributing to commission of this crime, the investigation department of Russian I.C. for the Sverdlovsk Region has asked the procuracy about exception of this criminal case from proceedings of police investigation and transferring of it for the further investigation to the territorial unit of the Investigative committee of Russia. Based on the results of consideration of this inquiry Public Prosecutor's Office has taken a decision to seize and transfer the criminal case from the police for the further investigation to an investigator of regional I.C. of Russia.

At present complex of necessary research aimed at the most thorough fact-finding of the accident is being conducted by the employees of the Investigative committee. Possible involvement of all persons taken part in organization and conducting of snow-clearing works along Roshchinskaya street in Ekaterinburg will be checked by investigators in an investigative way. It should be noted that in the course of investigation not only lawfulness of workers' actions is to be revealed, but completeness and timeliness of measures taken for access prevention of extraneous citizens to a snow-clearing work place as well. In the framework of investigation interrogations of all the persons who can report significant information will be conducted, job descriptions and other documents related to circumstances under investigation will be analyzed. Necessary aid is delivered to the aggrieved girl in a medical facility. The doctors do everything possible not only to save life of a child but also to minimize possible negative consequences of a trauma sustained.

The investigation of the criminal case continues and is controlled by the management of the investigation department of I.C. for the Sverdlovsk Region.

05 February 2016 15:28

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