The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Tuva, official charged with grand bribery and money laundering

The Tuva Republic Directorate of the Investigative Committee has charged the a 38-year-old deputy director of the Tuva Republic finance and budget inspectorate with crimes under Part 4, item “c” of Article 290 of the RF Penal Code (taking a bribe by an official on a large scale), Part 1 of Article 174.1 (money laundering).

According to investigators, in November 2014, the accused was aware that the budget of the republic had gotten funds to mitigate a natural disaster. He wanted to get a bribe so he involved an acquaintance of his who was the CEO of OOO AbakanStroyResurs so that he took part in an auction for repairs and restoration of Aldan-Maadyr-Manchurek motorway after the disaster. They had reached the agreement that the accused got 1 million rubles from the money that had to be transferred as payment for the municipal contract. The bribe was meant for general patronage and for elimination of possible negative consequences that might have arisen if the finance and budget inspectorate would check into proper and efficient use of budget allocation and into the amount of completed construction work.

OOO AbakanStroyResurs offered the lowest sum of the contract and won the electronic auction held in December 2014 for the right to conclude a municipal contract on repair and restoration of Aldan-Maadyr-Manchurek motorway.

Later, after the municipal contract worth 7,200,000 rubles was concluded, aware that the needed amount of repair and restoration had not been completed the accused used his position and ensured that a forged acceptance certificate and the certificate on the cost and expenses of the work done was signed.

As a result of the actions of the accused, 7,200,000 rubles were transferred to the account of OOO AbakanStroyResurs while the company had not fulfilled the contract.

On his turn, the CEO of the company, acted under the agreement reached with the accused and transferred 1 million rubles to the accounts of people, not aware about abovementioned details. The money was cashed and given to the accused in person on 31 December 2014.

In January 2015, the accused bought a foreign truck and seeking to make the receipt of the 1 million rubles look official and legal and concealing his act of corruption he signed the name of his father as a buyer of the truck in the sales contract. Later, when he registered the truck, the accused legalized the bribe once and for all.

During the probe, the investigative authorities confiscated the property acquired in an illegal way – the truck evaluated at 2,300,000. In addition, the investigators took steps to ensure that the accused fulfilled a court decision over a civil action, other pecuniary penalty or possible confiscation of property and arrested the real estate of the accused: his garage and a plot of land. The cases against the CEO of the company and the chairperson of the administration who had represented a client under the municipal contract were severed to form a separate legal proceeding.

At present, the investigation is about to be completed. Soon the parties to the case are going to start reading the files of the case, after which it will be sent for the indictment to be approved. 

14 March 2016 11:07

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