In Novosibirsk, sentence passed over two men found guilty of businessman's kidnapping and inflicting grievous bodily harm that ended in death
It is established by the investigation and the court that since 2007 to 2013 long judicial disputes on a number of civil and arbitration cases with various money commitments, inter alia, related to collaborative construction of a business centre situated at Krasny Prospect of Novosibirsk were taking place between Yakov Khanin and Yuri Zabirov previously acquainted. Zabirov did not want to obey the court decisions entered legal force and has decided to abduct businessman Khanin and cruelly revenge on him. For this purpose he has hired the former employee of internal affairs bodies 55-year old Evgeny Abarnikov, his 32-year old son Sergey Abarnikov, and his 62-year old personal assistant Valeriy Kudryavtsev. The kidnapping was carefully planned. Knowing the daily routine of the businessman in detail, early in the morning on January 29, 2013 Abarnikovy met the victim near his house, presented fake police officer ID, put him in the car and brought him to a garage previously rented. Abarnikovy left, having received 50 thousand rubles promised. In order to make the businessman to renounce his material claims to Zabirov, in the garage they planned to make Yakov Khanin (who was known even as the leader of one of the Jew communities) drunk, take compromising pictures of him in the company with minor girls (the garage walls were covered with red cloth in advance, furniture was installed, alcoholic drinks were at the table). In the garage Zabirov and Kudryavtsev beat up a victim, forcibly gave him a large quantity of alcohol - as a result the businessman died. Not expecting such a result, the delinquents put in advance prepared pornography content photos into the victim's clothes and hid the body in the territory of the garage-construction cooperative "Proektirovshchik". When the investigation did not believe in pretense with alcohol and non-crime character of Khanin's death, and initiated a criminal case, Zabirov has decided to put investigation off the scent. Wishing to clear of suspicion of famous businessman kidnapping organization, he offered his accomplice to find a person suffering from a drug addiction for a monetary reward, the latter should have written acknowledgment of guilt and that it was Khanin's son who had ordered a murder. But the delinquents did not manage to fulfill their criminal plan as far as Abarnikov has been detained by preliminary investigation bodies.
In the course of investigation of the criminal case Evgeny Abarnikov confessed commission of the crime and made a plea agreement. In 2014 by the sentence of the court he was declared guilty of kidnapping by a group of persons on a preliminary collusion motivated by greed (subparagraphs a, z of Article 126 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and was convicted by 4 years of imprisonment. Kudryavtsev has been put on the federal wanted list.
It is worth noting during investigation of the criminal case the crime's being perfect in conditions of nonobviousness represented special complexity, it has been difficult to establish persons subject to involvement as accused for a long time because the crime was in advance planned and carefully organized by Zabirov who previously worked in internal affairs bodies and possessed special attainments in sphere of investigative activity. In the connection with what he caused dangerous grave harm to health of the victim in a way allowing to make a conclusion about non-crime nature of caused harm to health namely by violence simultaneous infusion into the victim's organism of a large quantity of alcohol-containing production for the purpose of imitation of strong intoxication as coming in consequence of independent intake by its victim. But thanks to professionalism and painstaking work of investigators, grammatically planned and organized investigations and investigative events the crime has been revealed. In addition, before committing the kidnapping Zabirov provided himself with an alibi for the period of the crime, after initiation of the criminal case he assumed active measures to suppress crime traces, carefully concealed from preliminary investigation bodies, constantly changing telephone numbers, a place of residence and having impact on witnesses, accomplices of the crime. Based on the criminal case a large quantity of a complex judicial-medical, forensics, soil science, genome, integrated psychological-psychiatric expert examination have been conducted, as well as high volume of investigations and procedural actions were made.
By the sentence of the court Zabirov has been appointed to punishment in form of 15 years imprisonment in strict regime colony, while Abarnikov has been appointed to 6 years of the same punishment.
17 February 2016 13:55
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