The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Irkutsk Region, director of building management company detained under investigation into accident involving child

A piece of ice fell today’s morning from a block of flats in the 85th block of the town of Angarsk on a 2-year-old girl who was in a pram. The girl is in an intensive care unit with grave injuries. An investigative team has moved out to the scene. The Irkutsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee has immediately opened a criminal investigation in a crime under Part 2, item “c” of Article 238 of the RF Penal Code (fulfillment of work or provision of services that do not meet safety standards and entailed grievous bodily harm by negligence).

The investigators have searched OOO UK Zhilishchnoye Upravleniye (Housing Management). They have seized relevant documents. The director of the company has been detained and is expecting a restraint. The investigation is ongoing. 

20 March 2016 10:07

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