The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In cheboksary the director of the company accused in tax evasion in especially large amount is to face the court

The investigation of a criminal case against the director of one of the commercial organizations based in Cheboksary is completed by the Chuvashia Region investigating bodies of the Russia's Investigative Committee. He is suspected in committing crime in violation of items a and b of the Article 199, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (corporation tax evasion committed in especially large size). 

Investigators believe that in Cheboksary the accused has evaded paying organization's profit and value added taxes in 2010 of the total amount over 20 million 600 thousand rubles by including obviously false information about expense of the organization for allegedly carried out finance-economy operations on acquisition from three counterparties of bushes and axles into tax declarations. At the same time the decisions of the arbitration courts entered in legal force have determined that the accused transferred monetary funds to accounts of the counterparties de facto for encashment and not for paying of actually delivered goods. 

The fact of committed crimes is confirmed by commission of forensic tax examination conducted based on the criminal case. More than 30 persons have been interrogated as witnesses. In the course of investigation property belonging to the accused by the property right have been discovered namely: Yamaha small oversize vessel the sequestration of which was imposed by the court on investigator's motion. The inspectorate of the Cheboksary Federal Tax Service of Russia recognized as a civil claimant on the criminal case has submitted a claim to the accused for the sum of damage inflicted on the Russian Federation budget system. Adequate evidentiary base has been collected by investigation, therefore the criminal case with an approved indictment has been directed to the court for consideration on the merits.

19 April 2016 09:47

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