The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The suspect of the murder of the family of three people, including juvenile child has been detained in the Krasnoyarsk krai

The investigation of a criminal case initiated in a connection with a murder of the family of three people including a juvenile child (Article 105, part 2, items a,v of the Criminal Code of Russia) is continued by the Russia's Investigative committee bodies of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.

On April 1, 2016 corpses of the 28-year old woman, her 31-year old spouse, and their 3-year old daughter with signs of the violent death were found in one of the Norilsk apartments. On the eve of a homicide the spouses came home from holidays and didn't talk to their relatives. Having worried of their long absence, the acquaintances of the family and the colleagues came to their house and, having seen that the door was locked, addressed to law enforcement agencies. The policemen opened an apartment and discovered all the family members were dead.

Taking into consideration great public resonance, the most experienced investigators, criminalist investigators, and employees of Russian criminal search in the Krasnoyarsk Krai main department of internal affairs are involved into the crime investigation. Employees of the Russia's Investigative Committee Main Forensics Department and Main criminal investigation department of the Interior Ministry of Russia have provided practical assistance in investigation of the criminal case. In the course of investigation more than 350 witnesses have been interrogated; 26 expert examinations were appointed, inter alia, an olfactory molecule-genetic, judicial-medical, dactyloscopic, psychological-physiological, trace examinations, olfactory analysis, and etc. About 100 samples of biological material have been received from individuals who were being checked for possible involvement in crime committing. Records from video monitoring located in the district where the murder was committed have been seized. The labor collectives and the public have also provided aid in disclosure of this crime.

As a result of a scale complex of investigative events a suspect of committing this capital crime was detained. He turned out to be the 29-year old previously unconvicted resident of Norilsk who has already given grateful evidences. In his words, a conflict based on personal enmity served as the motive of the committed crime.

At present investigating actions aimed at establishment of all the circumstances of the crime committed is being undertaken. 

25 April 2016 10:00

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