The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The Investigative Committee hosted the first session of the Russia's Investigative Committee bodies executives board under the Chairman of Russia's I.C.

On April 18, 2016 a consultative body – the Russia's Investigative Committee Bodies Executives Board under the Chairman of Russia's Investigative Committee – was established in the Russia's I.C.. The board has been created for open discussion of problem issues, development of overall approaches for its resolution, and dissemination of positive investigation work experience. Moreover, proposals on perfection of forms and methods of work in the Investigative Committee Bodies, development of proposals on perfection of legislation in sphere of criminal proceedings have been assigned to competence of the Board. The board is also to consider issues of vocational education of employees, their labour discipline observance, the Oath and the Code of ethics observance and service conduct.  

The following heads of regional Investigative Committee bodies have joined the Executives Board (the list was published in a section Executives Board of Russia's Investigative Committee bodies): Russia's Investigating Committee bodies Heads for Moscow, Regions of Moscow-Moscow, the Leningrad Region, Moscow Region, Leningrad Region, Kaliningrad Region, Volgograd Region, Saratov Region, Kirov Region, Krasnodar and Perm Territory, the Udmurt republic, and the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Heads of the 4th investigation department of the Main Investigative Directorate of Russia's I.C., of the Eastern Siberia investigation department on transport, as well as of the Military-investigative office with strategic missile forces. The Chairman of the Russia's I.C. Alexander Bastrykin manages the Board's work. 

Today the first session where the organizational issues of the Board's activity, as well as the topical problems of work of investigation departments in regions were addressed took place. 

Addressing members of the Board, Alexander Bastrykin noted the Board is the consultative body, but its decisions would serve as solicitation. They will necessarily be directed to regional investigating bodies in order to perfect investigation practice.

At the first session the Chairman of the Russia's I.C. voiced the most relevant directions of work of investigating bodies among which the issues of criminal cases investigations in a connection with a non-payment of wage. "The criminal law measures are one of the factors influencing reduction of social tension in the society. In this connection we have the task to carefully verify each message about the non-payment of wage and take decisions expeditiously. And we know from practice the majority of the managers commit tax crimes along with non-payments of wage commit. It is important that the fact of consideration of applications on the failure by heads of organizations to pay wage by investigating bodies itself is effective too. The majority of managers after clarification of implications of an unfounded delay of wage payments or its non-payment paid employees even before initiation of a criminal case", - Alexander Bastrykin noted.

Discussing issues of counteraction to extremism and terrorism, Alexander Bastrykin spoke out about the need to enhance efforts on blockage of channels of extremist and terrorist financing consistently, recruitment of our citizens to ranks of ISIS together with supervisory authorities and controlling bodies. "For this purpose it is needed to actively stop the attempts of the Internet network use for publication of materials of extremist orientation and terrorist nature. And as you know, such materials are widely spread among youth in the first place", - the Chairman of Russia's I.C. has told.

The Executives Board will pay special attention to consideration of additional measures on issue of inevitability of property responsibility of bribetakers, effectiveness enhancement of economic crimes and takeover investigation.

Addressing the meeting of the Executives Board, the Chairman stated: "It is still needed to react tough to commission of crimes in spheres of public health, education, housing and public utilities". Having exhorted also to make decisions acutely, operatively and crucially in all the connection with violence against children, Alexander Bastrykin addressed to heads of investigating bodies with the demand not to make indifference in such cases and explain this necessity to each subordinate employee.

Having discussed a number of problematic issues of the activity of regional investigating bodies and its interaction with central I.C. staff departments, the members of the Board have outlined ways and means of its resolution already at the first sitting of the Board.

Summing up, Alexander Bastrykin expressed confidence that the Board's activity will be 'objective and substantial and the measures which we will determine in directions of activity indicated by me will allow us to work with even greater effectiveness and efficiency. I regard the Executives Board as a subsidiary element of diagnostics of the Investigative committee system state, forecasting of its development. Relying exactly on practice of clear understanding of processes occurring "on earth", we must determine pain points on time, accurately react, using all reserves. I expect a frank exchange of views, bold, productive proposals based on detailed knowledge of a situation, causes of these or other phenomena requiring considered managerial decisions".

Head of Media Relations V.I. Markin 

25 April 2016 15:26

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