The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The Chairman of the Russia's Investigative Committee listened to information on progress of criminal case investigation in the connection with murder of a family in the Samara region

Today the Chairman of the Russia's Investigative committee Alexander Bastrykin has arrived to the Syzran district of the Samara region with a working visit. Together with Chairman the Acting Head of the Main Forensics Department of the Russia's I.C. Sigmund Lozhis has arrived to the Samara region to deliver practical assistance.

Having visited the place of the incident, Alexander Bastrykin listened to information on results of initial investigations and course of investigation of the criminal case initiated in a connection with killing of six people in village Ivashevka of the Samara region.

After that Alexander Bastrykin held the operational meeting with deputy Chairman of Russia's I.C. Ilya Lazutov, Acting Head of the Main Forensics Department of the Russia's I.C. Sigmund Lozhis, Head of the third investigation department of Russia's Main Investigation Directorate Denis Kolesnikov, Head of the Russia's Investigation Committee department for the Samara Region Valeriy Samodaikin, and Head of the regional main department of internal affairs Sergey Solodovnikov, as well as employees of the law enforcement agencies of the Samara region. It was noted at the meeting that an investigative group with more than 25 investigators and criminalist were created based on the criminal case, polygraphologists, psychologists have been involved in work, several hundreds of investigations and investigative events have been undertaken, including 19 various forensic examinations, several tens of searches and withdrawals, a large quantity of witnesses have been interrogated, several inspections of places of an incident have been conducted.

The investigators have already decided about basic versions of homicide. There are 3 versions, but we are not to announce it for legal reasons.

Based on the results of the meeting the Chairman of Russia's I.C. gave certain instructions and assignments to the investigators, criminalists, and operational employees. In addition, he noted large amount of works had been held. "Our task is to detain all suspects as soon as possible and direct the criminal case to the court", - Alexander Bastrykin noted.

Head of Media Relations                            V. I. Markin

26 April 2016 17:20

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