The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The director general of "Krylya Nevy" will come to trial in Saint Petersburg on charges of 70 incidents of commercial bribery

The investigation of a criminal case against 47-year old Director General of the "Aviation training center of general purpose "Krylya Nevy"" LLC (ATCGP "Krylya Nevy") Andrey Kocharygin who is accused of commission of 70 incidents in violation of Article 204, part 3, part 4, item "v" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (commercial bribery) has been completed by the investigating bodies of the Northwest investigation department on transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

The investigation has established that Korcharygin being director general of ATCGP "Krylya Nevy" and being the sole manager of the company profiled in training and qualification of air employees since November 2009 till February 2013 had been faking documents prooving education of 53 people in ATCGP "Krylya Nevy" and qualification of amateur-pilots and had received bribery in the amount of 5 to 200 thousnd rubles in total of 5 million 820 thousand rubles.

In the course of investigation more than 450 persons who underwent training in the ATCGP "Krylya Nevy" have been interrogated as witnesses. Based on the seizure, searches and other investigations results of investigation of the criminal case conducted, more than 1300 sets of pilot documents have been received. A large quantity of inspections of audios of telephone negotiations by Kocharygin in the period from 2010 to 2015, handwriting judicial document analyses and technical expertises have been carried out. It is worth noting thanks to painstaking and purposeful work of investigators accused Kocharygin fully recognized guilt over committed acts in April 2014 and had been contributing since that moment to investigation.

Preventive work on remeding irregularities which were contributing to commission of crimes and creating real threat to life of citizens and flight safety has been undertaken by investigation. In particular, the Northwest investigation department on transport of Russia's I.C. has proposed 3 adductions in the name of the head of the federal air transport Agency of the Russian Federation on taking measures to remedy irregularities which were contributing to commission of a crime, inter alia, about annulment of 163 illegally issued pilot certificates. Based on the results of consideration of adductions 34 amateur's pilot certificates, 103 commercial pilot certificates, 1 linear pilot certificates have been annulled.

In the course of investigation of this criminal case numerous facts of commission of crimes by pilots have been revealed, with respect to 13 of them criminal cases have been initiated by art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, at the same time Sergey Tsurupa has been already convicted, the criminal case against one more Andrey Makeev is being considered in the court.

Adequate evidentiary base has been collected by investigation, therefore the criminal case with an approved indictment has been directed to the court for consideration on the merits.

It is necessary to focus attention on the fact that a significant, if not vast part of all aviation incidents with human sacrifices occures for the reason of violations of instructions on driving air transport on the part of pilots, in a connection with which particularly sharp attention must be given to training of air crew, as well as to improvement of their qualification.

28 April 2016 15:12

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