The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow, investigation into killing of three continued

The Moscow Directorate of the Investigative Committee continues the investigation into the murder of three people during a shootout on Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. The case was opened in crimes under Part 2, items “a” and “g” of Article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder of two or more people committed by a group of people in collusion), Part 1 of Article 222 (illegal purchase, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms or ammunition) and Part 2 of Article 213 (hooliganism, committed by a group of people).

As became known earlier, on the afternoon of 14 May 2016, the police got a report that a lot of suspicious people were seen and heard shooting near the entrance to the central Khovansky cemetery on Amiral Kornilov Street in Moscow. Three people died on the scene, while over 30 were taken to hospitals with gunshot wounds. Three of the victims are in grave condition.

An investigative team of 40 investigators and 12 expert criminalists led by the senior officials of the major department of the Moscow Directorate of the Investigative Committee are working at the crime scene. Head of the Moscow Directorate Aleksandr Drymanov has taken part in the examination of the crime scene.

So far the investigators have confiscated more than 300 objects to be processed for the evidence during 18 forensic examinations. Over 100 persons of interest have been questioned. A number of other investigative and search operations are underway to find out all the details of the crime and to detain the ones involved in it. The investigation is ongoing. 

15 May 2016 13:46

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