The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Novosibirsk Region, two detained on suspicion of attacking family in Iskitim

The Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee continues the investigation into attack on a family in the town of Iskitim presumably committed by debt collectors (Article 162 of the RF Penal Code, Part 1 of Article 132, Part 2, items “a” and “c” of Article 163).

On the evening of 30 March 2016 unknown people committed an assault related to robbery of a family living in the town of Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region. During the assault one of the assailants sexually abused the woman. The investigators of the region’s investigative authority have checked different versions of the crime, including the debt the family failed to pay on time.

Considering the attention the crime received in wider public, the most experienced investigators of the region’s investigative authority and officials of the crime detection section of the region’s police authority have joined the investigation. Two suspects have been identified and apprehended in Iskitim thanks to large-scale investigative and search operations. They are two local residents aged 21 and 29 years.

The progress of the investigation is under personal control of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, who has ordered the investigators to find out all the details of the crime, reasons and conditions that contributed to it. 

19 May 2016 08:28

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