In Volgograd, Investigative Committee helps Great Patriotic War and labor veteran uphold her flat
On 11 April 2016, one of federal TV channels showed a story how Volgograd authorities tried to evict veteran of the Great Patriotic War and veteran of labor Lidia Petrova from her flat.
Following instructions of Chairman of the Investigative Committee, the Volgograd Region Office of the Investigative Committee started a check immediately.
It was revealed that the flat Ms. Petrova lives in now, was given to her by the Volgograd Administration over two years ago, in February 2014, after the elderly woman had participated in a hunger strike organized by mothers of large families. At that time the local investigative authority had also joined to solve the problems of each of the participants of the strike. A letter was written to the city authorities so they provided veteran Petrova with a single-room flat located in Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd. She got the keys to her new flat shortly and there is an official document about it signed by the city administration. However, the veteran was repeatedly denied the ownership of the flat arguing that there was no regulatory act to assign the flat to its new owner. Moreover, a year later the city authorities started to evict the elderly woman via courts. The litigation took over a year.
Last April, during the check, the senior officials of the Volgograd Region Office of the Investigative Committee had working meetings with the head of the Volgograd administration, during which they found ways to solve the veteran’s problems. The sides made peaceful settlement on 12 May in the court of appeal. The next day the administration issued a long-expected decree granting the flat to Ms. Petrova and 4 days later, 16 May 2016, the woman signed an ownership contract.
The Investigative Committee has always protected and will keep on protecting legal interests of citizens, especially if the rights violated are those of unprotected categories of people.
Head of Media Relations V.I. Markin
17 May 2016 09:50
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