The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Chechnya, UNA-UNSO members jailed

A court has recognized the evidence collected by the North-Caucasian Federal District Directorate of the Investigative Committee sufficient to convict participants of a gang consisting of members of the nationalist organization Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-defense (UNA-UNSO), citizens of Ukraine Nikolai Karpyuk and Stanislav Klykh. There were found guilty of crimes under Parts 1 and 2 of Article 209 of the RF Penal Code (leadership of and membership in a gang), items “c”, “h” and “m” of Article 102 of the RSFSR Penal Code (murder of two or more people related to their duty), Part 2 of Article 15, items “c”, “h” and “m” of Article 102 of the RSFSR Penal Code (attempted murder of two or more people related to their duty).

The court and investigators have found out that military political radical right organization UNA-UNSO sticking to nationalistic ideology was set up in the early 1990s in Ukraine. Its aims and tasks were fighting back Russian authorities and killing Russian people. Citizens of Ukraine Nikolai Karpyuk, Stanislav Klykh, Aleksandr Malofeyev, Aleksandr Muzychko and others joined the organization at the said time.

Since 1991 stable armed groups (gangs) have been set up in the Chechen Republic intending to tear it away from Russia and create an independent Islamic state there and then military actions started to restore constitutional order in Chechnya. In December 1994, in Ukraine, Karpyuk, Muzychko and other individuals played active role in setting up stable armed groups consisting of the most radical members of UNA-UNSO so that those groups could take part in the military conflict in Russia and fight on the side of the self-declared Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.


At the same time Karpyuk together with Dmitry Korchinsky and other members and leaders of UNA-UNSO arrived to Chechnya in order to attack and kill Russian citizens, military men and law-enforcement officers as part of an armed group consisting of UNA-UNSO members and together with members of gangs that acted in the republic and led by Aslan Maskhadov, Shamil Basayev and others. This way, following orders of gang leaders Karpyuk and Muzychko led a gang called Viking which also included UNA-UNSO members Dmitry Yarosh, Yuri Dolzhenko, Aleksandr Malofeyev, Stanislav Lkykh and others.

In the period of time between December 1994 and January 1995, Karpyuk, Klykh, Malofeyev and other gangsters repeatedly took part in armed conflicts with Russian soldiers in Presidential Palace, Minutka square and the railway station in the city of Grozny during which they killed at least 30 military men and wounded 13 more.

After all the gangs had been smashed, those so-called soldiers went back to their homeland, Ukraine and lay low for a long time. Apparently, having lost their guard, last year they entered the Russian Federation, having forgotten that we here have the principle “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”. Our special services worked expertly, held them and gave over to investigators. Now all of them are going to answer for the crimes they committed in the Russian Federation.

The court has sentenced Karpyuk to 22.5 years in prison, Klykh to 20 years..

The criminal case against member of the Viking gang, Ukrainian Aleksandr Malofeyev, was severed to form a separate law suit as he had had a deal with the investigators which has also been sent to court with the approved indictment. The court sentenced Malofeyev to 24.5 years to be served in a maximum-security correctional facility.

The investigation against other members of the gang is ongoing.


Head of Media Relations V.I. Markin

26 May 2016 18:00

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