The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Novosibirsk, former kindergarten teacher jailed for reckless homicide of girl

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee sufficient to convict former teacher of kindergarten No 45 Kristina Kerobyan, 30. She was found guilty of a crime under part 2 of Article 109 of the RF Penal Code (reckless homicide due to improper discharge of duty).

The court and investigators have revealed that on 7 December 2015, a 4-year-old girl died during a morning recession on a playground because of Kerobyan’s improper discharge of her duties.

The woman violated professional regulations and safety instructions when left the child unattended on the playground. The girl stuck her head between the steps of a slide, couldn’t get it out and choke.

The Investigative Committee gathered enough evidence in short time. The investigators questioned over 20 witnesses, studied over 100 pages of job description and regulations. The scene was examined and the confiscated documents studied involving criminalists and experts of the forensic department of the Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee. This way, the experts processed the cell phone of the accused using latest hardware and software complexes and got enough information relevant for the investigation, including that deleted from the phone.

Protection of rights and legal interests of children is one of priorities in the activity of the Investigative Committee, this is why the officials of the Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee look carefully into all incidents involving children and take measures to find out reasons and conditions that contributed to crimes committed against children.

The investigators studied carefully the circumstances that led to the crime. They found many violations of instructions and regulations committed by the staff of the facility, including its director. Following the request filed by the investigators, the Education Administration of the Novosibirsk mayor’s office dismissed the teacher and reprimanded the acting head of the facility. In addition, the court ruled to bring administrative action against the kindergarten.

The court has sentenced Kerobyan to 2 years in a penal settlement. 

09 June 2016 13:40

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