The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Altai Territory, director of Academy of Robinsons summer camp put under house arrest

The Altai Territory Office of the Investigative Committee continues investigation into a crime under Article 238 of the RF Penal Code (provision of services that do not meet safety standards) after an accident that happened with a 13-year-old boy in the private summer camp Academy of Robinsons.

Following the request of the investigator a court ruled today to place the businessman and director of the summer camp under house arrest.

According to investigators, on 20 June 2016, the boy came from Kemerovo Region to the summer camp located in Altaisk District. On 23 June, at around 4 PM, he was left unattended and went jumping from an improvised bungee jump located in the camp. He swung on it and fell into the Katun River and was washed by the current down the river. The boy is still missing, search is underway.

The investigators believe that the said incident happened because the staff of the summer camp provided services that did not meet safety standards.

By now the investigators have done a lot to find out the actual details of the crime, causes and conditions that led to the tragedy.

It is known that the director of the summer camp, a sole proprietor registered in Kemerovo Region and on the roster of travel agents, for about 20 years have been engaged in organization of holidays for children so that they acquired tourist skills. He has been taking children to Altai Territory among others, to the bank of the Katun river where they lived in a tent camp. The director of the camp as an organizer of the holiday bore full responsibility for children’s health and lives.

After the incident, the investigation revealed a lot of violations in the organization of holidays including: the staff did not have necessary documents, use of bodies of water by minors for swimming without proper control or sanitary certificate, violation of food sanitary requirements and other breaches which potentially pose threat to the children.

By now the investigators have questioned the staff, the children, officials of inspectorates and the district administration. They have confiscated necessary permissions, accounting and other documents.

On the initiative of the Investigative Committee the children on holiday in the camp have been returned to their families. In addition, the Altai Territory consumer protection authority is trying to shut the camp down in court.

The investigators are going to assess not only the actions of the director and the staff of the camp, but of inspectorates in charge of controlling the activity of individuals who organize children’s holidays. 

27 June 2016 14:10

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