The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Ulyanovsk Region, debt collector whose actions injured child jailed

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Ulyanovsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee sufficient to convict local resident Dmitry Yermilov. He was found guilty of extortion and attempted destruction of another’s property (Part 3, item “c” of Article 163, Part 3 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 167 of the RF Penal Code). The investigation was under personal control of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

The investigators have revealed that at night of 27 January 2016, the accused threw a Molotov cocktail in a window of a private house located in 2nd Sergei Lazo alley in Leninsky District of Ulyanovsk. The bottle smashed the window and got into a room where a 56-year-old local resident and his 2-year-old grandson were asleep. The bottle landed on the child’s bed and started a fire. The man woke up and tried to put out the fire and was burned. The boy was taken to a hospital with multiple burns. He received necessary aid and rehabilitation.

The investigators ran a forensic medical inquiry which confirmed the grievous bodily harm and that the child suffered irrevocable injuries. A fire inquiry was also run to find the cause of the fire which also confirmed that the source of the fire had been brought from outside and a physical and chemical inquiry to determine the kind of volatile flammable liquid and to match it to that found in the car of the accused.

The investigators also revealed that in December 2015, the accused had extorted money from the boy’s grandfather. This way the money motive of the crime was confirmed. Although the man denied his connection to a payday lender, the investigator went to Saint Petersburg and got information that the accused had had contacts with the workers of the payday lender.

Additionally, the Investigative Committee is now looking into the case opened into negligence of police officers who failed to process the statements lodged by the victim that he had had received threats from the debt collector. A district police officer of the Ulyanovsk police department has been questioned as a suspect.

The court has sentenced Yermilov to 8 years in a minimum-security correctional facility. 

28 July 2016 17:05

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