The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation opened into the fact of An-2 plane crash

Investigative authorities of the West-Siberian Investigative Directorate on Transport of Russia’s Investigative Committee initiated a criminal investigation into the fact of An-2 plane crash in Krapivinsk district of Kemerovo region on signs of crime under Part 3 of Article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violating transportation safety causing the death of two or more persons).

According to preliminary data, on 31 July 2016 at approximately 12.00 local time a plane owned by a private company took off from the airport of the town of Berdsk after a fuel refill. On board of the plane there were 2 cockpit crew members and an aircraft technician. Later the aircraft did not arrive at the designated time and place.

On 1 August 2016, 40 km eastwards of the village of Krapivinskiy Krapivinskiy district of Kemerovo region search-and-rescue group of Russia’s Emergencies Ministry found aircraft wreckage. All persons on board of the plane were killed.

Investigative authorities of the West-Siberian Investigative Directorate on Transport of Russia’s Investigative Committee together with specialists from the Intergovernmental Aviation Committee are preparing for a trip to the site of the plane crash.

At the moment investigative activities directed at identifying the circumstances of the plane crash are being carried out. The owner of the aircraft, the purpose and circumstances of the trip are being identified. Measures are being taken to confiscate documentation for the aircraft and samples of fuel that the plane was refilled with in the town of Berdsk Novosibirsk region. The investigation continues. 

01 August 2016 09:51

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