The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Khabarovsk territory deputy head of Sovetskaya Gavan municipal administration suspected of receiving bribery on very large scale

Khabarovsk Territory investigative bodies of the Russia's Investigative Committee suspect a 39-years-old deputy head of "Sovetskaya Gavan" urban settlement in committing a crime under part 6 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code (receiving a bribe on a very large scale), a 49-years-old head of commercial organization is suspected in crimes under part 5 of article 291 (giving a bribe on a very large scale), part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud).

According to investigators, since January 2011 Sovetskaya Gavan municipal administration has been realizing a Federal target program "Seismic performance improvement for resident houses, main objects and life support systems in seismic regions of the Russian Federation in 2009-2018". As part of the realization, the municipal administration and a commercial organization signed 3 municipal contracts for seismic performance improvement of 9 resident houses. Since September 2013 to November 2015, the head of commercial organization aiming to steal budget money put knowingly false records on materials used in exterior finish of the buildings. Instead of expensive materials specified by contracts, cheap surrogates were used. As the contract was executed by the commercial organization headed by the accused, over 38 million rubles was transferred while in fact the expenses exceeded only 18 million rubles. The damage to the RF budget system totaled 20 million rubles. The said commercial organization was taken under patronage of deputy head of "Sovetskaya Gavan" urban settlement, who supervized work progress.   For his services, deputy head of administration demanded a bribe of 1,920 thousand rubles from head of commercial organization. As a result, the money was transferred to the official. Deputy head of administration used money at his own discretion. 

Employees of the Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate and Federal Security Service Directorate in Khabarovsk Territory take an active part in the investigation.

At the moment the investigative procedures are underway, aimed to collect evidence. The investigation is ongoing. 

04 August 2016 10:20

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