The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Tatarstan, probe finished against one of leaders of organized criminal community 29 complex

The Tatarstan Office of the Investigative Committee has finished the investigation against one of the leaders of 29 complex, an organized criminal community of the town of Naberezhnye Chelny 47-year-old Ruzal Asadullin. He is charged with crimes under Part 2, item “m” of Article 102 (intended group killing), Part 2, items “a”, “g” and “h” of Article 105 of the RF Penal Code (robbery-related murder of two people committed by and organized group out of mercenary motives, on contract).

In July 2006, The Supreme Court of Tatarstan convicted 32 members of the 29 complex criminal community. There were found guilty of banditry, Organization of a criminal community and membership in it, as well as of murder of more than 20 people committed from 1993 to 2001 in Tatarstan, Moscow Region and the city of Moscw. One of the leaders Adygan Salyakhov got 25 years in prison another one Yuri Yeryomenko got life.

During the investigation, some of the gangsters including Ruzal Asadullin, aka Ruzalik, managed to escape and in 2003 he was put on an international wanted list. He was detained on 1 April 2012 in the city of Kiev. In April 2015, a court sentenced him to 24.5 years in prison. The court and investigators revealed that in the early 1990s Asadullin had joined the 29 complex and in the same period of time became a member of the union of leaders of organized criminal groups and led the community until June 2002. He committed 7 murders and other major crimes.

After the sentenced was passed, the accused made a cooperation deal and told about other crimes.

By the investigators have revealed in the summer of 1992 criminal kingpin of the town of Menzelinsk Yefremov and the founder and then leader of the 29 complex Mansur Safin had a conflict over the control over the Menzelinsk Alcoholic Beverage Plant. On the instructions of Safin, on 31 October 1992, two members of his group armed with Kalashnikov machine guns and a pistol with silencer shot Yefremov and his driver dead. Later one of the assassins started abusing alcohol and speaking out loud about the murder and the one who had ordered it, so Safin decided to kill him too. IN August 1993, the members of the group, including Asadullin persuaded the man to flee from the police to the city of Kazan and smuggled him in their car from Naberezhnye Chelny. Near the village Mamylovka, Yelabuga District, they killed the man and buried in the woods.

In addition, the investigators found that Asadullin had been involved in the murder of Israfilov, the leader of Yelabuga group called Aidarovskie. Between 1993 and 1995, Israfilov was elected a deputy of the joint council of people’s deputies of the town of Ylabuga and Yelabuga District, which put obstacles in the way of the 29 complex. Therefore leaders of the group Salyakhov and Yeryomenko ordered him killed. However, the assassin told the victim about the murder plan. From 1998 to 1999 Israfilov and one of kingpins in his group Shakirov had a conflict over the leadership. Shakirov offered Asadullin to kill Israfilov for a reward, so the latter one hired one of his gangsters named Olesik (wanted).

In August 1999, Shakirov invited Israfilov to Moscow to give journalists the information compromising the administration of Yelabuga. On 29 August 1999, Asadullin, who had been watching the shops near the TsSKA stadium on Leningradsky avenue saw Israfilov and informed Olesik via a walkie-talkie. Olesik shot the man four times and took off.

Additionally, In May 2001, the 29 complex split starting an armed conflict between the founder and leader Salyakhov on one side and other leaders, including Asadullin, on the other. This way, in September 2001, Asadullin got information that two supporters of Sakyakhov were called to Moscow from Ukraine and Belorussia and ordered them killed. On the night of 30 September 2001, four members of the group pretending that they were going to make a party for the newcomers came to their place and shot them dead. They then dismembered the bodies and buried them in the woods in Domodedovo District, Moscow Region.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case with the approved indictment has been referred to court. 

17 August 2016 14:09

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