The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Ivanovo Region, probe launched into death of people in building collapse

On 4 October 2016, The Ivanovo Region Office of the Investigative Committee opened an investigation into a crime under Part 3 of Article 238 of the RF Penal Code (provision of services that do not meet safety standards) after two people got killed when part of a block of flats collapsed following a gas explosion.

As became known earlier, at about 8 AM, 4 October 2016, a gas explosion happened in a 2-floor 12-flat building in the settlement of Ilyinskoye-Khovanskoye, Ivanovo Region. The explosion ripped through 6 flats.

Experienced investigators and criminalists took off for the scene at once. An 82-year-old woman was pulled from under the debris and taken to a hospital in grave condition with burns to 90% of her body. Dead bodies of two women aged 60 and 76 were extricated from under the rubble as well.

The investigators are examining the scene, questioning victims, witnesses living in the building, representatives of the local authorities, the building management company and gas supply company.

The investigators believe that the explosion happened because of an ignition in one of the flats. Explosion and forensic medical enquiries have been assigned. The investigators are confiscating documents from the building management company and gas supply company. They are going to find out what had happened before the building collapsed. The investigators are going to give an assessment to the quality of services provided by the building management company and gas supply company. 

04 October 2016 17:56

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