The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators do their best to bring to court two serial children molesters who committed some of their crimes abroad

The Moscow Region Office of the Investigative Committee has finished the investigation against two residents of Moscow Region, charged with a series of sex crimes committed against minors and children (Part 3, item “a”, Part 4, item “b” of Article 132 and Part 1 of Article 151 of the RF Penal Code).

According to investigators, four accomplices set up a firm to organize children’s holidays and education both in Russia and abroad. They accompanied the children to different venues and there committed wrongdoings. The investigators have revealed that they took children to such countries as the USA, Bulgaria, Spain, China and some boarding houses in Moscow Region.

It is known that one of the accused was prosecuted for similar crimes under Article 135 of the RF Penal Code (molestation) in 2003. A court ruled him to have compulsory medical treatment due to his mental disorder.

The investigators have irrefutable evidence so the criminal case with the signed indictment against the two men has been referred to court. The investigation against another two of the accused has been severed to form a separate lawsuit and is now about to be finished.

There is nothing more heinous than crimes against small and helpless children. Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin always pays special attention to those crimes to be salved, and often takes the investigation under his personal control as he did in this case. Covering such stories, the Investigative Committee does not seek to reveal the whole sickening truth about those terrifying crimes. It wants to raise the problem of violation of children’s rights and to attract public’s attention to protection of children against criminal intentions and remind about inevitability of punishment which will sooner or later catch up with those involved in such felonies. 

05 October 2016 13:05

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