The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Charges pressed against former head of Komi republic Vladimir Torlopov

The major Cases Directorate of the Investigative Committee continues the investigation against members of a criminal community that acted in the Republic of Komi that included high-ranking officials of the republic. By now 16 people are under investigation.

Charges have been pressed today against former head of the Republic of Komi (took office from 20 December 2001 to 14 January 2010), ex-senator of the Federation Council (took office from 3 March 2010 to 22 September 2016) from the executive authority of the republic Vladimir Torlopov. He is charged with setting up and leading together with Gaizer, Zarubin and other accomplices the criminal community using their official positions (Part 3 of Article 210 and Part 4 of Article 159 of the RF Penal Code).

According to investigators, Torlopov’s actions caused the state represented by the Republic of Komi a damage of at least 2.5 billion rubles.

The investigators are going to request a court to place Torlopov under house arrest pending trial.

The investigation is ongoing. 

06 October 2016 14:00

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