The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Krasnodar Territory, ride operator charged with unsafe services injuring teenage girl to stand trial

The Krasnodar Territory Office of the Investigative Committee has finished the investigation against a 31-year-old ride operator of OOO Skazka-grad charged with a crime under part 2, item “c” of Article 238 of the RF Penal Code (provision of services that do not meet safety standards and entailed grievous bodily harm by negligence).

According to investigators, on the evening of 27 July 2016, in the town of Gelendzhik, the ride operator being responsive for safety of the ride did not ensured proper oversight and did not make sure that passengers were safety buckled. A 15-year-old girl slid down her seat during the ride. Moreover, the accused did not exercise constant visual control over the ride so was unable to stop it quickly. As a result the girl fell from the seat to the ground and suffered a maltitrauma to her head, chest and right arm with breaks and bruises.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court. 

18 October 2016 09:57

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