The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Khabarovsk Territory, two teenage girls facing more severe punishment for group animal abuse

The Khabarovsk Territory Office of the Investigative Committee continues the investigation into cruelty to animals.

Investigators and criminalists of the territorial investigative authority are doing their best to find out all the details of the crime. By now the actions of the two 17-year-old girls have been reclassified from Part 1 of Article 245 to Part 2 of Article 245 of the RF Penal Code (cruelty to animals committed by a group of people in previous concert). Prosecution orders have been issued for both of them to be treated as the accused.

One of the teen girls has been put under house arrest (as she has tried to avoid investigators). Both girls are going to get psychiatric examinations and are being checked on involvement in other crimes.

The investigators have revealed that the teenage perpetrators have tortured at least 15 animals and birds (the exact number is being checked). Forensic investigators have collected biological evidence (15 samples) from the crime scene, which is an abandoned building. They also found a dead animal and remains of another one. A cat’s scull has been found in the flat of one of the girls during a search. The investigators confiscated the girls’ computers and cell phones to process them for evidence.

The investigators are also checking if there were other individuals involved in the crimes. Officers of the Khabarovsk Region Office of the RF Interior Ministry are providing operational support to the investigation.

The investigation is ongoing. Updates are going to be provided.  

25 October 2016 08:40

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