The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Tatarstan, eight local residents charged with banditry to stand trial

The Tatarstan Office of the Investigative Committee has finished the investigation against Aidar Sabirzyanov, 49, Aibyulat Sabirzyanov, 45, Ramil Zalyayev, 50, marat Gilfanov, 41, Rustem Yakhin, 45, Radik Ibragimov, 43, Vyacheslav Prilepsky, 38 and Igor Mikhailov, 44.

Depending on the role of each one they are charged with crimes under Parts 1 and 2 of Article 209 (banditry), Part 2, items “g’ and “h” of Article 105 (murder), Part 3, item “a” of Article 126 (abduction), Part 3, items “a” and “b” of Article 162 (robbery), Part 3, item “a” of Article 163 (extortion) and Part 3 of Article 222 of the RF Penal Code (illegal purchase and storage of firearms and ammunition).

According to investigators, Sabirzyanov set up the Vakhitovskiye gang in the town of Nizhnekamsk in 1998. Its members committed a number of major crimes while the gang was active.

In 1999-2003, assailed and abducted at gunpoint three businessmen. The perpetrators extorted from them their money and vehicles worth several million rubles.

In addition, in 2002, Mikhailov and an unidentified man followed orders from Sabirzyanov and Gilfanov and killed member of Tatary, a competing gang, who went by moniker Karpukha. On 30 May, he was shot in his car. The reason for him to be killed was the fact that he had stood up for a relative of his, who wanted to pull out from Vakhitovskiye gang.

The accused did not plead guilty of most of the crimes. A court ruled to place all of them in custody pending trial.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court. 

25 October 2016 15:01

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