The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Novosibirsk, case over fraudulent implementation of regional program

The Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee has finished the investigation into fraudulent stealing of funds allocated for a pumping and filter plant to be reconstructed in the town of Kuybyshev, Novosibirsk Region. Former CEO of a construction company and CEO of pumping equipment supplying company are charged with a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud, that is stealing of another’s assets by deceit committed by a group of people in collision, by a person using their position and on a very large scale).

According to investigators, from 2007 to 2010, during implementation of a regional program, the two CEOs conspired to use their positions to fraudulently get hold of budget funds of Novosibirsk Region allocated to pay for pumping equipment. They used a phony firm to buy pumping equipment worth more than 3.5 million rubles, but submitted a more than 25.5 million rubles bill to the customer. Their wrongdoings were broken up by the agents of the Economic Security and Corruption Department of the Interior Ministry’s Novosibirsk Region Directorate and Federal Security Service’s Novosibirsk Region Office. The damage done to Novosibirsk Region is more than 22 million rubles.

During the probe the investigators managed to have the accused compensate for the damage.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court.

In addition, in September 2016, the investigators referred to court a case against deputy head of Kuybyzhev District charged with a crime under Part 3, item “c” of Article 286 of the RF Penal Code. He had illegally endorsed the estimate documents under the same regional program and thus caused Novosibirsk Region a damage of more than 15 million rubles. The head of Kuybyshev District is now under house arrest on charges of office abuse. He had transferred the pay for not completed reconstruction of the pumping and filter plant.  

25 October 2016 16:25

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