The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Former vice-mayor of Yakutsk held on suspicion of malfeasance

The Sakha (Yakutia) Office of the Investigative Committee has initiated criminal proceedings against former vice-mayor of Yakutsk Yegor Popov suspected of a crime under Part 3, item “c” of Article 286 of the RF Penal Code (exceeding authority).

According to investigators, in 2013, vice-mayor Popov gave an illegal order to reduce the building area of school No 35 for children with disabilities. The illegally vacated site was set aside for a block of flats to be built there by a private company.

The school which was to be built under the republican government program “The development of education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2012-2019” has not been constructed which breaches the rights for education of children with disabilities.

In addition, the revision of construction documents of the school with no legal grounds entailed that about 1 million rubles of budget funds were spent on that.

By now, the former vice-mayor has been detained and placed in a pre-trial prison. He is expecting a restraint now.

The investigative operations are underway to find out all the details of the crime. The investigation is ongoing. 

27 October 2016 12:28

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