The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Voronezh Region, probe launched in negligent homicide of patient

The Voronezh Region Office of the Investigative Committee has opened an investigation in a crime under Part 2 of Article 109 of the RF Penal Code (negligent homicide due to professional malpractice).

According to preliminary information, from 11 PM 11 December to 2 AM 12 December 2015, a 27-year-old man was twice taken by an ambulance to the therapeutic department of the Rossosh District Hospital complaining about short breath, vomit, thirst, stomachache and backache. After being examined by a doctor on call, he was denied hospitalization. The man got worse later and at about 4 PM, 12 December 2015, he was admitted into the therapeutic department for treatment. Later he was transferred to the surgical department and then to intensive care where he died on 15 December 2015.

The death occurred not only because of delayed diagnosis, but also some flaws in the treatment. Namely, when the man was delivered to the hospital and later the doctors mistook her symptoms showing progressing ketoacidosis which later led to pronounced intoxication which caused first loss of consciousness and then a coma.

The patient died of a hypoglycemic coma caused by too low level blood sugar because of too many interventions injections of fluids on 14 and 15 December 2015. Sticking to common insulin therapy, proper control over blood sugar level, timely correction of insulin injections and adding glucose into blood would have prevented the death.

At present a set of investigative operations are underway to find out all the circumstances surrounding the death, to collect and document evidence. The investigators will take every measure to figure out the causes and circumstances that contributed to the crime. The investigation is ongoing. 

31 October 2016 09:57

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