The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Krasnodar Territory, probe launched in helicopter crash

The Southern Transport Office of the Investigative Committee has opened an investigation in a crime under Part 2 of Article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety standards for traffic and operation of an aircraft which has entailed death of a person by negligence) following the crash of a Eurocopter AS350 helicopter in Adler District, Krasnodar Territory.

According to preliminary information, the Eurocopter AS530 crashed on a private backyard in the city of Sochi on 1 November 2016. One of helicopter passengers died in the crash while the rest 5 onboard were injured. It is known by now that the helicopter was owned by ZAO Yeltsovka (Novosibirsk), a close corporation, and preliminary data states that it was transporting passengers. Investigators are considering two basic versions of the crash: a pilot’s error and technical failure. The investigators will check if the company has respective permissions to transport passengers.

At present the crash site is being examined. Samples of fuel and oil will be taken for chemical tests, witnesses will be questioned. The investigators are looking into circumstances of the flight and technical documentation. They are also planning to examine the crash site once more involving specialists from the International Aviation Committee and carry out other operations to find out all the details of the crash.

The investigation is ongoing. 

01 November 2016 19:40

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