The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Novosibirsk Region, minor found guilty of killing teenage girl

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee sufficient to convict a 16-year-old boy. He was found guilty of a crime under Part 2, item “e” of Article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder committed with especial cruelty).

The court and investigators have established that on the evening of 28 August 2015, the police got a report that the dead body of a 16-year-old girl with signs of violent death was found in a cottage in Pervomaisky District in the city of Novosibirsk. The investigators of the Investigative Committee arrived to the scene immediately and for several hours examined it and documented evidence involving specialists and a forensic expert. During investigative and search operations a teenager who had been at the crime scene was detained on suspicion of the crime and within next several hours he was charged with the murder of the 16-year-old. He admitted the built, but refused to make a statement. A court ruled to put him in custody pending trial.

The investigators checked several versions, including the one of a double suicide. However, the investigators found no proves of this version and there are evidence against it: results of a forensic medical examination of the accused and the victim, examinations of the crime scene, the list of calls, statement of witnesses.

It should be noted that more than 50 witnesses were questioned, including peers, class mates and teachers of the accused and the victim. A lot of examinations and an investigative experiment, more than a dozen forensic inquiries were run. Later, considering all the evidence the teenager was charged with a murder with special cruelty. The experts found that the accused had stabbed the victim at least 25 times, including in essential organs. The teenager did not deny the murder, but did not agree with the qualification of special cruelty. To check if he was sane during the crime, the teenager had to have three psychiatric evaluations including in the V.P. Serbsky State Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. The evaluations revealed no signs of any kind of mental disorder.

The court has sentenced the teenager to 9 years in a juvenile correctional facility where he will be required to have psychiatric treatment. In addition, the accused and his relatives will pay 1 million rubles of damages.

31 October 2016 08:02

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