The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Kemerovo Region, former CEO of Novokuznetsk Municipal Bank to stand trial for abuse of office and embezzlement

The Kemerovo Office of the RF Investigative Committee has finished criminal proceedings against former CEO of OAO AKB Novokuznetsk Municipal Bank Alexander Pavlov charged with crimes under Part 2 of Article 201 (abuse of power entailing grievous consequences) and Part 4 of Article 160 of the RF Penal Code (embezzlement on a very large scale).

According to investigators, the accused while being the CEO of the said bank, acted in the interest of a construction company founded by his father when he underwritten the company’s loans from December 2012 to December 2013. When the company stopped executing its commitments, creditors wrote the debt off the Bank’s accounts. The total sum of written off stood at over 3 billion rubles. Depositors could not use the money on their accounts and reported it to investigative authorities.

The accused put obstacles in the way of the inquest, including by alleging disease. Pavlov was examined and recognized fit for taking part in the investigation. The investigators also found out that the accused together with the head of the VIP clients office had transferred money to the accounts of affiliated firms without depositors’ knowing. This way, the accomplices had stolen more than 1 billion rubles from the accounts of depositors.

The proceedings against Marchenko, the head of the VIP clients office, who made a plea deal, were severed to form a separate lawsuit. A court has given her a 4-year suspended sentence and she has to pay more than 490 million rubles in damages.

A forensic accounting examination showed the flow of money from the accounts of the Novokuznetsk Municipal Bank. 9 handwriting examinations helped to identify persons who signed financial documents. To compensate for the damage done the investigators arrested the property of the accused, including City-Mall, a shopping mall owned by his family cost about 5 billion rubles.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court. 

18 November 2016 09:13

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