The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Arkhangelsk, members of organized criminal group to stand trial

The Arkhangelsk Region and Nenets Autonomous Area Office of the Investigative Committee has finished criminal proceedings against 22 members of an organized criminal group. Depending on the role of each one they are charged with crimes under Part 2 of article 210 (membership in a criminal group), Part 2 of Article 209 (membership in a stable armed group (gang) and part 3, items “a” and “b’ of Article 162 of the RF penal Code (robbery).

According to investigators, the gang set up and headed by Oleg Shamanin, a criminal kingpin, in 2012 extorted money from businessmen for several years, using violence and destroying their property and committed other crimes.

Considering the personalities of the accused and the gravity of their wrongdoings they are kept in custody.  

The investigators questioned more than 600 people, including 70 injured parties and arrested the property of the gangsters worth more than 50 million rubles. The investigators have revealed 82 counts of crimes which were put together in 329 files of case materials.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court.

Oleg Shamanin wanted worldwide was located in the United Arab Emirates. He was extradited to Russia on 15 December and will soon be delivered to Arkhangelsk Region for questioning. He is charged with crimes against citizens, public safety and order and with organization of a criminal group under Part 4 of Article 210 of the RF Penal Code and faces a punishment up to a life in prison.

The investigation against Oleg Shamanin and other wanted criminals is ongoing. 

20 December 2016 10:02

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