The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Presentation of the Book about the International Cooperation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

On February 17, 2017, a presentation of the English version of the book ‘Collection of Materials on International Cooperation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation’ (edited by Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee, General of Justice of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, Professor) was delivered at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The compilation contains regulatory legal acts and international agreements of the Investigative Committee as well as research papers of its officers. The edition pursues the purpose of fostering international information exchange in combating crime and its accompanying task to mutually familiarize the domestic, foreign and international stakeholders and other audiences with the relevant professional terminology.

The presentation was held in English and attended by 23 representatives of judicial and law enforcement authorities (liaison officers) accredited at their diplomatic missions in Moscow as well as consular officers of Belgium, China, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the United States; it was delivered by officers of the Department for International Legal Cooperation of the Investigative Committee. The teaching personnel and students of the Academy also took part in the presentation.

The participants discussed a wide range of issues concerning judicial and law enforcement international cooperation, among others in combating terrorism and organized crime; extraterritorial operation of Russian penal and criminal procedure laws; convergence of pre-trial investigations and operational/intelligence activities in international cooperation in criminal matters; legalization of materials of requests for legal assistance and prosecution; non-treaty forms of extraterritorial judicial and law enforcement activities (non-extradition transfer and lure of suspects, counter-terrorism operations abroad; communications with private persons, procedural actions and operational investigation activities overseas, trans-border access to computer, information and telecommunications systems and data; cross-border covert use of geolocation; non-treaty mailing of summonses and other procedural documents abroad); consular legal assistance in criminal matters; grounds and procedure for communications between judicial and law enforcement authorities and diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, in particular while performing consular functions in Russian criminal investigations and proceedings. 

17 February 2017 14:19

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