The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin congratulates Sergei Lavrov on his birthday

Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation is celebrating his birthday today.

We know and value him as a true professional, an outspoken and sympathetic person of great intellect and firm principles.

Wider and stronger foreign-policy relations and protection of rights and interests of our citizens abroad are not even close to the full list of the most important missions of the Russian diplomacy.

Occupying the high post of the Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Lavrov makes a great congribution in the development of international relations and implementation of the country’s foreign policy and works to cope with pressing global problems.

He is a man of deep political wisdom, broad-minded and reasonable with a well-grounded view on everything that happens in the world. Advocating interests of Russia, Mr. Lavrov is always confident and leads a discussion with dignity bringing home his point of view and achieving significant results for Russia.

Dear Mr. Lavrov!

I sincerely wish you festive mood, sound health and energy for long years, happiness, wellbeing and success in your work for the good of Russia!


Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee

General of Justice of the Russian Federation                                                                                          A.I. Bastrykin

21 March 2017 10:59

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