The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In North Ossetia – Alania, CEO of Caucasus Tunnel Building Company to stand trial for failure to pay wages

The North Ossetia – Alania Office of the Investigative Committee has finished criminal proceedings against the 41-year-old CEO of Caucasus Tunnel Building Company, a limited liability company (hereinafter CTBC). The man is charged with a failure to pay wages for more than 2 months committed out of mercenary or other motive under part 2 of Article 145.1 of the RF Penal Code.

According to investigators, from 9 May 2015 to April 2016, the accused violated the RF Constitution, labor laws and contracts signed with the workers, when while having financial opportunities he failed to pay his workers more than 37 million rubles in wages and bonuses for more than 2 months.

After the crime the accused fled, was wanted and detained thanks to well-planned joint investigative and search operations carried out by the Investigative Committee and the North Ossetia – Alania Office of the Interior Ministry. Following investigators’ request a court has ruled to put the man under house arrest pending trial.

During preliminary probe, the investigators conducted a lot of investigative operations, namely they interrogated the accused, questioned the company’s chief accountant and 253 workers, 189 of whom were recognized as injured parties. A lot of forensic inquiries and searches were conducted, during which the investigation seized documents relevant for the probe. To compensate for the damage suffered by the injured parties, the court has arrested the company’s bank accounts, 38 vehicles, special equipment and all real estate. The total value of all arrested property is about 55.8 million rubles.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court. 

01 April 2017 14:57

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