
In Krasnodar Territory, probe launched in shipwreck of Geroi Arsenala dry cargo ship in Black Sea

Southern Transport Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee has launched a probe in violation of the rules for traffic safety and operation under Part 3 of Article 263 of the RF Penal Code due to shipwreck of Geroi Arsenala dry cargo ship in the Black Sea.

According to investigators, on 19 April 2017, approximately at 03:30 AM, on a distance of 19 nautical miles from the Zhelezny Rog Cape (Krasnodar Territory, Taman Peninsula), near the Kerch Strait the Geroi Arsenala dry cargo ship wrecked and sunk. The vessel flying the flag of Panama transported grain from the port of Azov, Rostov Region to Turkey. 12 crewmen (9 citizens of Ukraine, 2 citizens of Russia and 1 citizen of Georgia) were on board of the ship.

Rescue services are working on the site. Investigators examine the scene, measures are beink taken to determine all the consequence surrounding the incident. Criminal investigation is underway.