Criminal investigation launched in Kirov due to reports of media about violation of building standards
The Kirov Region Office of the Russian Investigative Committee has launched a criminal investigation against officials of the Kirov City Administration as they are being accused in abuse of official powers under Part 1 of Article 285 of the RF Penal Code.
On 19 April 2017 a federal TV-channel broadcasted a story about a house on Rukhlyadyeva Street in Kirov, which was put in commission in 2012 and was designed for orphans, was built with significant violations and doesn’t meet general requirements and characteristics of a modern house: the house has thin walls and floors are made of low-quality materials. The same could be said about the house for orphans on Lenin Street in Kirov. According to current information, such low quality of building was caused by abusing of official powers in organizing of house construction for orphans and putting of these houses in commission.
The criminal investigation will determine all the consequences surrounding the event and all facts mention in the TV-story will be checked. Investigation will determine all people, involved into the crime.
20 April 2017 10:14
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