The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

High officials of mining company questioned due to death of two miners in Chelyabinsk Region

The Chelyabinsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee continues criminal investigation in violation of labour protection rules, leading to death of two persons under Part 3 of Article 143 of the RF Penal Code, after two miners died in the Tsentralnaya Mine of the Yuzhuralzoloto Gruppa Kompaniy.

According to investigators, on 23 April 2017, two miners got killed due to a face fall in the mine. One more miner was hospitalized with extremities injuries. The investigative group, which includes the most experienced investigators and criminalist-investigators of the Head Office of the Investigative Committee, as well as the employees of the Chelyabinsk Police Department, was established.

EmergencyResponseCenter headed by the Acting Head of the Investigative Office, which includes employees of the Chelyabinsk Region Directorate of the Emergencies Ministry, the Ural Directorate of the Rostekhnadzor (the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia), the Chelyabinsk Region State Labour Inspectorate was established.

The body of the second miner was recovered from the mine, which will be referred to forensic tests to find out the cause of death. High officials of the organization, responsible for safety in the mine, safety briefings, etc, are being questioned. All scenarios of the incident are being looked at by supervisory organizations. Criminal investigation is ongoing.

24 April 2017 14:20

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