The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin sends telegram to veterans and officials of Investigative Committee congratulating on Great Patriotic War Anniversary

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War and colleagues!

I sincerely congratulate you on the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great patriotic War!

We bow down before the heroic deed of soldiers and workers of the home front who defended their homeland’s independence and released European nations from fascism.

The memory of their heroism has been fascinating the whole world for more than 70 years with its grandeur, the example endurance and deep faith in the victory. The lessons of that war will remain sacred for all generations.

We are grateful that today veterans are still in our ranks and despite their advanced age still share their knowledge and priceless experience with the younger generation of investigators and are anxious about their development.

Fine traditions of professionalism, love to the homeland and loyalty to the duty laid by you, dear veterans, get stronger and increased by employees of the Investigative Committee working for the triumph of the law, justice and wellbeing of Russian citizens.

I wish you all sound health, ling life, peace, wellbeing and more successes in serving to your country!


Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee

General of Justice of the Russian Federation                                                                                  Alexander Bastrykin

09 May 2017 09:00

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