The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee marks instituting its coat of arms – emblem, flag and banner

The Investigative Committee marks today as the day when its coat of arms – its emblem, flag and banner were instituted by Presidential Decree No 633 of 11 May 2011 “On instituting the coat of arms – the emblem, flat and banner of the RF Investigative Committee”.

The symbols of the Investigative Committee were developed by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Union of Artists and of the Investigative Committee’s Civic Council Stepan Vodchits who also participated in creating coat of arms for the Ministry of Justice. The artist took into account not only modern, but earlier traditions of heraldry wanting to create emblems that would clearly characterize the agency and reflect its role in the system of state authorities.

The horseman in the center of the emblem symbolizing Saint George is there for the reason. It is a well-known fact that he embodies many positive qualities such as courage, valor, selflessness aimed at eradication of evil and lies. The work done by investigators also requires high moral qualities and often puts them in danger. 12 officials of the Investigative Committee have been killed on duty, but all of them remained loyal to their duty and even in the face of death they did not retreat.

This patriotic spirit under the motto: Serving the Law, Serving our Country is instilled in the younger generation of cadets and students of the Investigative Committee’s Academy. 

11 May 2017 09:41

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