The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Vladimir Region, ex-director of Pamyat in Kovrov town jailed for malfeasance and corruption

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Vladimir Region Office of the Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict former director of Pamyat, a municipal unitary enterprise, 54-year-old Nikolai Korshunov. He was found guilty of embezzlement under Part 3 of Article 160, abuse of office under Part 1 of Article 201 and petty bribery under Part 1 of Article 291.2 of the RF Penal Code.

The court and investigators have revealed that in late 2013, the accused ran an illegal scam which did damage to interests of the municipality and its citizens. He delegated the execution of municipal orders for funerals to Nikolayev, a sole proprietor, while the orders were executed using equipment and staff of the municipal enterprise. Korshunov “abolished” forms of strict accounting and set his own prices on services and goods with 100% extra charge.

The accused got information on the dead right from ambulance crews or the police. Sometimes Korshunov’s subordinates acted ahead of themselves and were outright cynical to offer the services to live people.

The income of the municipal undertaking was dropping quickly, while personal income of the accused went up. By his abusing office via a commercial firm he got some 4 million rubles in the period between January 2014 and August 2015.

He misappropriated more than half a million rubles by illegally paying budget money for the services of a cashier for his working at Nikolayev and by writing off the money allocated for petrol.

The investigators produced in the court a set of evidence against Korshunov, including more than 300 interrogations of witnesses, results of examination of some 2 thousand Korshunov’s phone connections with ambulance crews and police. To make sure that the damage done to the municipal budget was repaid, the court arrested the personal property of the accused.

Operative support to the investigation was provided by the regional office of the Federal Security Service.

All the time before the trial the accused was kept in custody.

The court has sentenced Korshunov to 3 years in a minimum-security correctional facility, banned him from taking managerial positions in state or municipal authorities for 2.5 years and fined him for 70 thousand rubles. 

19 May 2017 12:26

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