The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In North Ossetia, surgeon found guilty of negligent homicide

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the North Ossetia-Alania Office of the Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict former surgeon of Zdorovye, a commercial hospital, Khazbi Pliyev, 64. He was found guilty of a negligent homicide due to professional duties under Part 2 of Article 109 of the RF Criminal Code.

The court and investigators have revealed that on 15 August 2016, a man came to Zdorovye hospital complaining about pain in the right side, weakness and icteritiousness. On the same day, during laparotomy performed by Pliyev, the patient bled out and his heart stopped. After resuscitation and restoration of pulse, considering extremely grave condition of the patient, he was rushed to the resuscitation unit of a hospital in the city of Vladikavkaz, where he died on the night of 16 August due to massive bleeding caused by mechanical damage to an artery done during the surgery. The tragedy happened because Pliyev had made wrong diagnosis of the patient’s disease, chosen tactics of surgery and made a technical mistake (damaged the wall of the pancreaticoduodenal artery). All of those led to the patient’s death.

The court has sentenced Pliyev to 1.6 years of restraint of liberty. 

30 May 2017 14:56

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