The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Nizhny Novgorod, ex-deputy head of district administration found guilty of bribery

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Nizhny Novgorod Region Office of the Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict former deputy head of Moskovsky District Administration of Nizhny Novgorod and head of economic development, investment and entrepreneurship department found guilty of 2 counts of taking a bribe on a large scale for illegal omission and general patronage under Part 5, item “c” of Article 290 of the RF Criminal Code.

The court and investigators have revealed that in 2014-2015, the 38-year-old deputy head of the district administration got from two businessmen bribes of 585 thousand rubles and 522 thousand rubles for illegal omission and general patronage, namely: for not revealing and not taking due measures to dismount unauthorized stalls in Moskovsky District of Nizhny Novgorod. In addition, the official was ready to not report the businessmen to the police or inspectorates and to patronize their illegal activity.

The accused was held during a joint operation by investigators of the Investigative Committee and officers of the regional office of the Federal Security Service on 27 October 2015, upon taking yet another share of the bribe of 45 thousand rubles at one of the stalls.

The superiors of the accused offered open resistance to the investigation. After the accused was held red-handed, his superior tried to discharge him post factum.

Investigators together with agents of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Office of the Federal Security Service and the Economic Security and Corruption Unit of the Nizhny Novgorod police department carried out investigative operations and after the town administration considered the request filed by investigator on elimination of violations, the facts that employees of the administration had forged the documents discharging the accused were confirmed.

During the investigation the accused admitted part of the built.

In October 2015, a court ruled to place the accused in custody pending trial.

The court has sentenced the accused to 7.5 years in a maximum-security correctional facility and a fine of 10 million rubles. He is also banned from taking any positions representing the authority, carrying out organizational or administrative functions in state authorities, local governments, state or municipal institutions for 3 years. 

05 June 2017 16:26

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